
This is the place where I decided to gather in chronological order all the major sporting events (seminars, camps, competitions), in which I and my dogs took part.
"Our" sports is Obedience and  IPO (A - track, B - obedience, C - defense)
I marked in orange colour contests / tests / exams.


29.11. Hela
Zielona Góra. Polish Obedience Cup. Qualifications for Obedience World Championship. Judge: Lucie Gabrielova (CZ). Class 3. 267,5 points. Place 4/9.
23-25.10. Hugo
Czech. Chotebus. Training weekend with Zbyszk Górecki i Petr Foltyn
18.10. Hela
MP Obedience 2015. Gdynia. Judges: Katarzyna Drobik (PL), Carina Barthel (SE)
Class 3, 247 points. Place 9/14. Special prize from judge Carina Barthel.
25-27.09. Hugo
Czech. Chotebus. Training weekend with Zbyszek Górecki i Petr Foltyn.
12-13.09. Hela, Hugo
Rzeszów. XIII Rzeszowskie Obedience Competition. Judge: Jacek Lewkowicz (PL)
Hugo: class 1, 185,5 points, Polish Obedinece II-vice Champion of Belgian Shepherds
Hela: class 3, 183,25 points, Place 9/10
15-21.07. Hugo
Ostravice. Czech.  IPO camp. Helper: Zbyszek Górecki. Obedience: Petr Foltyn
11-15.07. Hela, Hugo, Wojak
Lubiatowo. Na Fali.  Obedience club camp.
Gamratka. Class 3. 228,5 points. Place 6/6. Judge Janusz Słoniewicz (PL)
30.04-03.05. - Hela i Hugo
Warsaw. Poland. Seminar with Marko Koskensalo. Defense.

2015 - Hela and Hugo
Cyclic meetings with Asia Hewelt (Kakov)
2015 - Hela and Hugo
Defense - Regular meetings with Zbigniew Gorecki ( Silesia)


25-26.10. - Hela & Hugo
Świebodzice. Poland. Obedience seminar with Maria Brandel ( SE )
05.10. - Hela
Kalsk. Poland. MP FH. Class Fpr2. 97 points. Place 2/10. Judge Josef Havranek ( SK ).
04.10. - Hela
Świebodzice. Poland. IV Open Obedience Contest. Class 2, 258 points. Place 1/11. Judge Lukas Jansky ( CZ ).
20-21.09. - Hela & Hugo
Kardašově Řečici. Czech Republic. Tracking seminar with  Milan Hoyer.

14.09. - Hela
Česká Lípa. Czech Republic. Collie & Sheltie Obedience Cup. Class 2, 244 points, place 1/3. Judge Rudy Cattrysse (BE).

13.09. - Hela
Česká Lípa. Czech Republic Belgian and Australian Shepherd Obedience Championship. Class 2, place 1/7, 271 points. Special price from the judge for the dog, whose performance he liked the most (in classes 1,2,3 ) Judge Rudy Cattrysse (BE).

23-26.08. - Hela & Hugo
Dąbrówka Dolna. Poland. Obedience camp with Joanna Hewelt & Magdalena Stodułko.
16-17.08. - Hela & Hugo
Branice. Poland. Tracking seminar with Patrycja Florenko.
19.07. - Hela
Lukova. Czech Republic. Judge: Jiri Lasik. Passed IPO1 exam. ( A 100  B 87  C 71 )
6-12.07.- Hela & Hugo

Zátaví, Jihočeský Kraj, Czech Republic. LVT BOCCARO 2014. Košťál (tracking), Pejša (obedience), Bohm i Řehák (defence)
23.06.- Hela & Hugo
Gdynia. Poland. Obedience Seminar with Carina Barthel.
22.06.- Hela & Hugo
Gdynia. Poland. Obedience competition. Hugo - class 0, 86 points. Place 4/6. Special prize for the best contact with the handler. Judge  : Katarzyna Drobik ( PL )
Hela - class 2. 140 points. Place 6/7. Judge: Carina Barthel ( SE )
15.06.- Hela
Krakow. Poland. Obedience competition. Class 2. 198 points. Place 1/2. Judge: Jacek Lewkowicz ( PL )
31.05.-01.06 - Hela & Hugo
Gdynia. Poland. Obedience seminar with Riitta and Pekka Korri.
25.05. - Hela
Warsaw. Poland. Obedience competition get up by Team Spirit. Class 2. 228 points. Place 4/8. Judge Eddy Watthee ( Belgia )
1-2.05. - Hela i Hugo
Warsaw. Poland. Seminar with Marko Koskensalo. Defense.

12.04. - Hela
Dvůr Králové nad Labem. Czech Republic. Sping ANF Competition. Obedience. Class 1. 225 points. Place 4/13. Judge Iveta Skalická ( CZ )
30.03. - Hela
Kalsk. Poland. I Spring FH - Competition . Fpr2. 87 points. Place 4/6. Judge Beata Ryl (PL).
29.03. - Hela
Kalsk. Poland. I Spring FH - Competition FH. Fpr1. 86 points. Place 1/6. Judge Jacek Lewkowicz (PL).

09.03. - Hugo and Hela
Branice. Poland. Tracking with Patricia Florenko.

08.03. - Hela
Świebodzice. Poland. III Open Obedience Competition III. Class 1.  250 points. Place 1/6. Judge Lada Richterova (CZ)

2014 - Hela and Hugo
Cyclic meetings with Asia Hewelt (Silesia / Poznan)
2014 - Hela and Hugo
Defense - Regular meetings with Zbigniew Gorecki


08.12. - Hela
Warsaw. Poland. Training contest.
29.11.- 01.12. - Hela
Warsow. Poland. Obedience seminar with Siv Svendsen.
22-24.11. - Hela & Hugo
Poznań. Poland. Obedience seminar with Joanna Hewelt.
26-27.10. - Hela & Hugo
Kietrz. Poland. Tracking seminar with Patrycja Florenko.
19-20.10. - Hela
Warsaw. Poland. Obedience seminar with Lentsu Valimaki.
13.10. - Hela
Warsaw. Poland. Obedience seminar with Joanna Hewelt.
06.10. - Hela
Świebodzice. Poland. II Open Obedience Competition. Class 1. 193 points. Place 4/11. Judge Petra Rohlenova ( CZ ).
21.09. - Hela
Warsaw. Poland. Training contest. Class 1. Place 3/3. Judge Joanna Hewelt.
16-20.09. - Hela & Hugo
Annówka. Poland. Obedience camp with Joanna Hewelt and Magdalena Stodułko.
05-06.09. - Hela & Hugo
St. Catherine. Poland. Obedience seminar with Joanna Hewelt.
17.08. - Hela
Jesionka. Poland. Herding Instinct Test passed ( PIP ). Species of animals: sheep. Judge Jean-Michel Jolly ( FR ).
03-04.08. - Hela & Hugo
Warsaw. Poland. Obedience seminar with Joanna Hewelt.
15-16.06. - Hela & Hugo
St. Catherine. Poland. Obedience seminar with Joanna Hewelt.
01-02.06. - Hela & Hugo
Kietrz. Poland. Tracking seminar with Patrycja Florenko.
13-14.04. - Hela
Warsaw. Poland. Obedience seminar with Lentsu Valimaki.
16-17.03. - Hela
Wrocław. Poland. Obedience seminar with Joanna Hewelt.



06.07.10. - Hela
Kietrz. Poland. Tracking seminar with Patrycja Florenko.
16-17.06. - Hela
Kietrz. Poland. Tracking seminar with Patrycja Florenko.
07-10.06. - Hela
Ceska Ves. Czech Republic. IPO camp with Jiri Scucka ( A + B + C ).
19-20.05. - Hela
Łódź. Poland. Seminar with Jiri Scucka. Defence.
05-08.05. - Hela
Lukova. Czech Republic. Long IPO training weekend ( A + B + C ) Trainers: Dana Rehakova, Petr Solc.
24-25.03. - Hela
Łódź. Poland. Seminar with Jiri Scucka. Fundamentals of defense training, theory and practice.
2012. - Hela
Periodical trainings with Agnieszka Boczula.


29.10. - Hela
Wrocław. Poland. Obedience competition for the Cup of Wrocław. Class 0. 96points. Place 2/11. Judge Elzbieta Hader ( PL )
23.07. - Hela
Lukova. Czech Republic.  BH exam- passed. Judge Jan Nekvapil ( CZ )
18.07. - Hela
IPO camp Lukova ( A + B + C ). Czech Republic. Trainers : Dana Rehakova, Petr Solc, Lukas Suchanek, Barbora Sverakova, Martin Hemauer.
04.07. - Hela
IPO camp in Lublin ( A + B + C ). Poland. Trainers : Karel Kovac, Vladislav Glogar, Monika Chmiała.
2011. - Hela
Periodical trainings with Agnieszka Boczula

On tracking seminar with Patrycja Florenko

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