Hela - the ACD bitch

AURYNN DOC BAR Domikar -  vel Hela

Health: BAER Ok, PRA oblig.A, PLL clear   ( genetically free ) HD A, ED 0/0
Exhibition achievements  :    Ch.Pl, Mł.Ch.Pl , ZW.PL, BOB, CWC, CACIB, nomination CRUFTS 2012
 Exams : BH, test PIP, IPO1
Competition : OB0, OB1,OB2, promotion to OB3, FPr 1, FPr 2 - Polish Vice Champion

Born in 17.11.2009 in Czech Republic

Parents :
sire: Ch.DOC BAR Cidabro
mother: CLAIR Kazari Toyo-Ken

Hela cannot be described in just few words...
First of all she's an ideal representative of Australian Cattle Dog breed. She has a beautiful head with a magnificent expression and bright eyes. Her strong body is build harmoniously and her movements are elastic and efficient. Her color is perfect. And she is super healthy and always ready to work and play.
She has a happy temper, and many funny faces for every occasion in her sleeve. She is full of positive energy, which emanates from her in every direction :)

Hela is diligent and hard-working and she puts all of her little heart in everything she does. Her enthusiasm and willingness to learn motivates me. She is super happy when we do things together, no matter what it is – it can be a long walk, obedience, defence or tracking training. It is just important for things to happen, as Hela doesn't like boredom.
Working with Hela is pure pleasure. When we work in the natural way she's concentrated and focused on me. In addition, she is amazingly bright and she learns things really fast. It is important, that the owner pays attention to this, because it can easily turn against him ;)

Hela has a great instinct as it comes to guarding the herd. She prooved it many times by chasing our horses. In 2013 Hela officialy passed herding instinct test on sheeps ( PIP ).

Hela has great apetite – always and despite of the place. And if somebody thinks it's a downside, he's wrong. This attribute is extremely helpful during training, just much as Hela's devotion to fetch and love for toy balls.

Hela loves cuddling :) She loves to be scratched and hugged by people who live with her. She's not so emotional towards strangers though. She's exactly as an ACD should be.
Helka is my pal, my teacher and my companion. She's unique and irreplaceble. She brought into my life a lot of joy, new passions and showed me a world of dog competitions. Thanks to her I met a whole lot of fantastic people. For that, I am very greatful and I know that this is only the begining of our adventures :D


                                                                                                         Grand Ch. Kombinalog
                                                                                                                Superoctane,  photo      
                                                 Turrella Blue Ben Hur                     ---------------------------
                                                       HD B, photo                                 Turrella Chantilly Lace
Ch. DOC BAR Cidabro              ------------------------------------------------------------
 HD A, ED O/O                                                                                 Multi Ch.Bluesprit Ike Des
 photo                                                                                                    Poenjaap, HD Bphoto
                                                C.I.B.Zeecidrabro des Poenjaap      ---------------------------
                                                       HD A, photo                             Cattlefarm's Shameless Lass
                                                                                                                 HD B
                                                                                                           Multi Ch.Reddenblu's X File
                                                                                                               Agent HT,  photo
                                                 C.I.B.Reddenblu's The Xceptonist   ---------------------------
                                                       HD A, photo                          Sandhill Don't Miss the Dance
CLAIR Kazari Toyo-Ken             -----------------------------------------------------------
HD B, photo                                                                                       Sandhill's PBJ Sam I Am
                                                 Ruselrum Mystic Shimmering        --------------------------
                                                 Light  HD A, ED O/O                    Sandhill Russelrun One Ina
                                                    photo                                                Jillion

Hela's documents


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